Trusens Distributor in India
Trusens Distributor in India Benefit from clean air everywhere, not just near the purifier. Placed across the room, Sensor Pod measures pollutants and communicates results back to the purifier. This ensures that the entire room has cleaner air.Most air purifiers don’t know the air quality in the room. TruSens does and reacts. The average air purifier doesn’t provide feedback, and most air purifiers don’t measure air quality throughout the room. This may leave you wondering if your air is getting clean. With a remote SensorPod air quality monitor, there’s no more guessing.
Placed across the room, SensorPod communicates to the air purifier so it can adjust the fan speed as needed. This way, it is clear that the entire room is benefitting from cleaner air.Maximising cleaner air coverage Remote sensing is the best way to accurately measure dust, allergens, and common pollutants in your room. SensorPod measures air quality and continuously transmits that data. The purifier displays the air quality readings and adapts output levels accordingly.For best results, place SensorPod across the room from the purifier.
This ensures the air quality in the room is also measured away from the purifier. Measurements are communicated back to the purifier, which then responds to the pollutants in your room.The air quality in your home changes constantly. Whether your HVAC system is kicking on, the dog is coming back into the house after a long walk, or you built an awesome pillow fort using those dusty couch cushions, TruSens has you covered! TruSens purifiers with separate SensorPod were tested against traditional purifiers with built-in sensors.
SensorPod detected common pollutants in the air more accurately, improving coverage of cleaner air. An air purifier with a separate sensor detects pollutants throughout the room, not just by the purifier.Know when your air is good, moderate or poor. SensorPod air quality readings are displayed on an illuminated disc. This gives you peace of mind that TruSens is responding and doing its job.The air quality in your home changes constantly. SensorPod and the adaptive technology in TruSens has you covered. The illuminated, colour-coded display communicates good, moderate or poor air quality and a numeric value provides a greater level of detail.
TruSens utilizes the 1-500 point Air Quality Index (AQI) scale created by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This index captures particle matter of 2.5 microns or above. That’s 30 times smaller than a strand of hair. This index provides valuable information about the quality of the air you are breathing, so you can make the necessary changes to improve the air that surrounds you.TruSens adapts to the ever-changing air quality conditions in a room by automatically adjusting its fan speed. You can choose to override the automatic fan speed control by placing the purifier in manual mode at any time.
PureDirect proprietary technology splits clean air into two streams. It delivers purified air comfortably and efficiently throughout the room.PureDirect dual airflow uses two streams of air without directing the airflow at people in the room. The result of rigorous testing has proven that bi-directional airflow delivers purified air more effectively throughout a room, and in some cases, has been proven to be up to 24% more efficient than traditional air purifiers with vertical airflow.Total room coverage Most purifiers can leave rooms with areas of little to no air circulation, or dead zones, by only shooting air either vertically or straight out.